For over 20 years, MyUS has been a driving force in giving global consumers access to USA brands and products. In this time, we have gained a reputation around the world as a trusted, reliable and knowledgeable resource in the international shipping arena.
Shipping Partners
Our influence and tremendous shipping volume have allowed MyUS to build long-term partnerships with every major global shipper, including DHL, UPS, FedEx and USPS. As our partners, these global shippers provide MyUS with the lowest possible rates, fastest delivery times and best shipping solutions.

Select a specific shipping method or let us choose the most affordable express carrier with MyUS Preferred Express.

We analyze routes and rates so members can choose the fastest or most affordable delivery, depending on their needs.

Our global carriers keep us informed of factors that may impact local deliveries, so we can eliminate any surprises.
Financial Partners
MyUS’ relationship with financial institutions around the world provides a unique opportunity to bring our services to local markets. Our banking partners have become tremendous advocates, promoting MyUS shipping and consolidation services as additional benefits to their cardholders and members.
Our relationship with global payment partners gives MyUS unique insight into local shopping preferences, allowing us to provide customized product recommendations and discounts.