New Regulations When You Ship to Saudi Arabia from the USA
This post is specifically for our Saudi Arabian members who ship from the USA to Saudi Arabia in regards to new shipping regulations that went in place on 1 January of this year. However this is also a good time to remind all our MyUS customers that customs regulations change quite frequently.
While MyUS works very hard to stay up-to-date on all these changing laws and policies some times we are not always informed in a timely manner. To avoid unnecessary hassles or delays with your packages arriving to your home country, it is always a good idea to review the regulations from your local customs office and double-check their list of prohibited items if you are ever unsure.
As mentioned above, the Saudi Customs Authority has declared that it will begin requiring that all incoming packages valued at $100 USD or more include the receiver's full name and National ID (for Saudi citizens), Residency Number (for non-Saudi citizens) or Passport Number (for Gulf Cooperation Council citizens) to be printed clearly on all shipment labels.
In an effort to make your shipping experience with MyUS easier, we have provided a field called Tax ID in each customer's account section where you can enter in your ID number as specified above. When this is entered, we will be able to automatically print this ID on your shipping labels to help avoid any issues. Thus far, this system has been the best way to comply with this new regulation and we have not run into any problems.