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Country-Specific Questions
The MyUS TruePrice guarantee, which ensures accurate, transparent pricing for international shipping, is not currently offered for items shipped from the United Kingdom. However, we are working on implementing a TruePrice system for UK packages soon.
While we continue to develop this feature, you can still take advantage of the low-cost shipping options available with MyUS. We understand the importance of transparency and affordability in international shipping and are committed to providing the best services to our customers. When you enter your package dimensions into our shipping calculator, MyUS can provide precise estimates for the total shipping cost of items sent from the UK.
When you import goods into Australia, Australian customs charges a 10% goods and services tax (GST) based on the value of the items and any service and shipping charges. Australian customs collects GST on merchant shipments over 1,000.00 AUD, while MyUS collects GST on shipments equal to or less than 1,000.00 AUD.
GST is valued and charged by each store's merchandise (e.g., if you ship a package with a 200.00 item from Store A and a 1,200.00 item from Store B, MyUS will collect the GST for Store A, and Australian customs will collect the GST for Store B).
Any GST collected by MyUS will display when you submit a ship request from your account to an Australian address. Click here to learn more.
Yes. Due to Australian Customs regulations, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind when shipping to Australia:
- MyUS must have record of the seller’s name and address before we can export any package to Australia.
- MyUS can ship Dangerous Goods to Australia via FedEx and DHL. Each carrier has specifications regarding the delivery area, quantity and type of commodity.
- Australian customs charges a 10% goods and services tax (GST) on merchandise, services and shipping costs for packages imported into Australia.
A 15% GST is applied to any shipments imported into New Zealand. GST is calculated based on the total cost of a shipment, which includes the value of what you ship, the cost of shipping, and any additional charges (e.g., insurance).
For example, if you purchase a guitar from the US for 600.00 USD and shipping costs 50.00 USD, you would pay 15% GST on the total cost of the guitar plus shipping (97.50 USD}. Your total cost to purchase and ship the guitar would be 600.00 + 50.00 + 97.50 = 747.50 USD.
While MyUS collects GST on total shipment costs to New Zealand, other government fees may apply to your shipments, which can incur additional GST. Those fees/GST are not collected by MyUS, but you would be responsible for paying them when your shipment arrives in New Zealand.
Yes, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind when shipping to Russia. MyUS cannot ship the following:
- Dangerous goods
- Loose lithium batteries
If shipping via USPS, restrictions include:
- Express Mail International (EMI): 60 inches maximum length, 108 inches maximum girth, 70 lbs, US$2,499 Value
- Priority Mail International (PMI): 42 inches maximum length, 79 inches maximum girth, 44 lbs, US$2,499 Value
- USPS First Class: 24 inches maximum length, 36 inches maximum L+W+H, 4 lbs, US$400 Value, no consolidation
- Single piece shipments only (all packages must be able to be consolidated into one outgoing box)
You may need a permit when importing some items into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority requires permits for certain drugs, supplements, and pharmaceutical products. You can learn more about Saudi permit requirements here.
If you receive an item that requires a permit to ship to Saudi Arabia, we will notify you by email and provide a link to the personal import clearance form. You may request an import permit by downloading and submitting the completed form to the Saudi Food and Drug Authority at the email address at the bottom of the form.
MyUS can send your merchandise to you while you are applying for the permit, but you may be unable to receive your package until the import permit is approved.
Argentinian customs requires a Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT)/Unified Labor Identification Code (CUIL) to be provided with each shipment. Argentinian customs will not allow the import if this information is missing.
Argentina Customs: http://www.afip.gov.ar/home/index.html
Yes. Due to customs regulations, these countries may have different courier options and requirements:
- MyUS must have record of the seller’s name and address before we can export any package to these countries.
- Shipping via FedEx: MyUS can currently send consolidated shipments, as well as shipments containing merchandise from a single seller, to these countries via FedEx regardless of value.
- Shipping via DHL: Shipping via DHL is not currently available to these countries.
As of 1 April 2020, a 25% Value Added Tax (VAT) will be charged on shipments of low-value items to Norway. Norway’s VAT will be collected by MyUS only on the shipment of low-value items, based on the value of each individual item in a shipment. The Norwegian government defines a low-value item as one worth 3,000 NOK or less ($294 US as of 13 May 2020). If you are shipping an item valued at more than 3,000 NOK, VAT will be collected directly by the Norwegian government upon arrival in Norway. The new VAT measures only apply to consumer shipments. Business shipments are exempt from VAT collection by MyUS.
How is VAT calculated?
VAT is calculated based on the total shipment value. This means you are taxed on the value of what you ship, as well as on the cost of shipping services, including insurance, if selected. MyUS will be responsible for collecting VAT on shipments containing items individually valued at less than 3000 NOK. For example, if you purchase a blanket from the US for $100 USD (1,017 NOK) with shipping for $14 USD (132 NOK), you would pay 25% VAT on the total cost of the blanket and shipping, USD $29 (295 NOK).
Please note: Items MyUS does not collect VAT for at the time of shipment may require border clearance upon arrival in Norway. VAT and other governmental fees may also apply to your shipments, which you would be responsible for paying upon arrival in Norway.
This FAQ is subject to periodic updates. Please check back for the latest information regarding VAT.
Yes. MyUS must collect Value Added Tax (VAT) on merchandise, services, and shipping costs for low-value consumer packages imported into the UK.
How is UK VAT Calculated and Charged?
A 20%* Value Added Tax (VAT) applies to low-value consumer shipments sent to the UK. The UK government defines low-value shipments as those with a total item value of 135 GBP or less. The item value of a shipment is determined by adding the value of all items contained in a shipment, whether it is just one item or many.
The VAT cost is based on the total value of a shipment, not just the value of the items inside. This means VAT is assessed on the cost of the items in a shipment AND the cost of any shipping services.
For example, if your Ship Request was for the following:
- a blanket for $100 (74.86 GBP)
- with shipping for $17 (12.73 GBP)
- and $5 insurance (3.74 GBP)
You would be taxed on the total amount of that shipment, $122 (91.33 GBP), with a VAT rate of 20%. This means your VAT cost would be $24.40 (18.27 GBP).
So, the total amount you would pay to MyUS at the time of shipping would be:
- the total shipping costs, $17 in shipping + $5 in insurance = $22 (16.47 GBP)
- plus the 20% VAT cost, $46.40 (34.74 GBP)
- for a total of $68.40 (51.21 GBP)
*While most products will be charged the standard VAT rate of 20%, some items may be taxed at a different rate. These items include things like alcohol and tobacco. You can find more information on VAT rates here.
Other questions in Country-Specific Questions:
- Are there any special considerations when shipping to Chile?
- Why isn't TruePrice offered for items shipped from the UK?
- How is Australian GST calculated and charged?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Australia?
- How is New Zealand GST calculated and charged?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Russia?
- Do I need permits when importing goods into Saudi Arabia?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Argentina?
- Are there special considerations when shipping from the US to Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands?
- How is Norway VAT calculated and charged?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to the UK?