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Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to the UK?
Yes. MyUS must collect Value Added Tax (VAT) on merchandise, services, and shipping costs for low-value consumer packages imported into the UK.
How is UK VAT Calculated and Charged?
A 20%* Value Added Tax (VAT) applies to low-value consumer shipments sent to the UK. The UK government defines low-value shipments as those with a total item value of 135 GBP or less. The item value of a shipment is determined by adding the value of all items contained in a shipment, whether it is just one item or many.
The VAT cost is based on the total value of a shipment, not just the value of the items inside. This means VAT is assessed on the cost of the items in a shipment AND the cost of any shipping services.
For example, if your Ship Request was for the following:
- a blanket for $100 (74.86 GBP)
- with shipping for $17 (12.73 GBP)
- and $5 insurance (3.74 GBP)
You would be taxed on the total amount of that shipment, $122 (91.33 GBP), with a VAT rate of 20%. This means your VAT cost would be $24.40 (18.27 GBP).
So, the total amount you would pay to MyUS at the time of shipping would be:
- the total shipping costs, $17 in shipping + $5 in insurance = $22 (16.47 GBP)
- plus the 20% VAT cost, $46.40 (34.74 GBP)
- for a total of $68.40 (51.21 GBP)
*While most products will be charged the standard VAT rate of 20%, some items may be taxed at a different rate. These items include things like alcohol and tobacco. You can find more information on VAT rates here.
Other questions in Country-Specific Questions:
- Are there any special considerations when shipping to Chile?
- Why isn't TruePrice offered for items shipped from the UK?
- How is Australian GST calculated and charged?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Australia?
- How is New Zealand GST calculated and charged?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Russia?
- Do I need permits when importing goods into Saudi Arabia?
- Are there any special considerations when shipping from the US to Argentina?
- Are there special considerations when shipping from the US to Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands?
- How is Norway VAT calculated and charged?