How to Ship Products from US & UK Stores

A MyUS shipping address gives you access to shop stores in the US and UK that don’t ship directly to your home country. Signing up for a MyUS address means you spend less on international shipping and save your hard-earned money. Shop US sales tax-free at thousands of stores using your MyUS shipping address. Your orders ship to MyUS, then MyUS forwards them to your door, saving you up to 80% off international shipping!

Even if a store does offer overseas shipping, MyUS members often find MyUS international shipping rates are lower than the standard international prices offered by some retailers. Accessibility to ship US and UK products internationally while saving money is at your fingertips with a MyUS shipping and forwarding address.

Discover what makes MyUS the industry leader in global reshipping and compare MyUS ship rates and benefits with our competitors.

Below are just some of the popular US stores you can shop with your MyUS address, including Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.