Save up to 80% when you shop U.S. stores and ship to the United Kingdom with a MyUS Premium Membership

Discover why MyUS is the #1 package consolidation service
in the world, with $5MM UK member purchases annually.

Learn how it works

How MyUS works with purchases from U.S. retailers Shop with confidence that you’ll always receive your goods with these 3 simple steps

Get a MyUS shipping addresswhen you become a member today

Shop online at U.S. retail storesusing your MyUS shipping address

MyUS ships packages to youanywhere in the UK in 2 to 4 days

see features & benefits

MyUS members saved over $70MM in shipping fees in 2015 Maximize your savings with multiple-package consolidation & discounted courier rates!

MyUS Premium Membership Includes

  • Personal MyUS shipping address
  • 2-4 day delivery with tracking on every package
  • MyUS TruePriceTM guaranteed upfront pricing
  • 30 days of free package storage
  • Multiple-package consolidation
  • Discounted rates with DHL, FedEx, UPS & USPS
  • MyUS Shopping
  • Assistance with package returns & exchanges
  • Customs & export compliance support
  • Superior handling of your valuable goods
get started now

Over 350,000 members trust MyUS with their shipments MyUS customers rave about our industry-leading service and support!

MyUS opened a whole new world of shopping experience for me. I have always loved shopping from the USA. Now I can do it from multiple sites with the help of very friendly MyUS. - Sarah L., United Kingdom

My package was delivered today from the US and it came in one piece due to it being well packaged. This is the first time I have used MyUS and bought anything from the US. I will definitely use again. Thank you. - Graham W., United Kingdom

I am absolutely amazed at the speed of this it was incredible. Thank you. You were quicker than something purchased in this country! Well done and again thank you. - Keith, United Kingdom

Received parcel today cannot believe how quick and efficient you are. Thank you so much. - Susan B., United Kingdom

get started now


4299 Express Lane, Sarasota, FL 34238 USA, Phone: 1.941.227.4444, Fax: 1.941.827.2985